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Ngoi Kai Ni

Ngoi Kai Ni

     I am from a Christian family. Growing up a shy and timid person, I had an extremely difficult time facing, and talking in front of others. At my local Adventist church, conducting a song service or being in front of a pulpit was a tough undertaking that brought a very uncomfortable nervous tension.

     When I was just 13 years old, I had an opportunity to attend an excellent 20-day bible training programme conducted by Aenon Training Centre. That programme prompted me to become a student at the same College after my high school graduation. The course was to change my outlook in life forever.

     The study course at Aenon developed me spiritually, mentally and physically. It opened my heart and mind to realize who I actually am as an individual. That I am precious to the God who created me, who is now watching over me, and leading me all the days of my life. That knowledge took away my timidity and in its place gave me a purpose in life, the desire to serve others.

     Aenon’s training removed my self consciousness as I launched into learning how to serve others through hands-on experience in their health programme. Interacting with health guests, explaining and bringing them through the treatments that would benefit their various needs taught me how I was daily enlarging my sphere of usefulness as I worked with them to share God’s wonderful natural remedies which heal and are so simple and readily available.

     At Aenon’s Bible Training classes, there were also wonderful opportunities in class for me to learn to be confident in giving devotions, song services, memorizing bible texts, and discussing work assignments. All training in these areas were imparted with active nurturing Christian attention that I felt most encouraged to give of my best. Learning was a great joy in such a conducive environment. The teachers and students were one united, happy family, looking after each other and uplifting one another.

     I am grateful for the life that God gave me to enjoy fully in Aenon while He worked to change me from that shy and timid girl to who I am today, a servant for Him. It is a dream fulfilled and one that I shall never forget, this journey of realizing God’s love and how Aenon came to be that beacon of love for me and many others.