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Sarawak Mission Trip

August 11-18, 2011, a group of 11 students and 5 staffs from Aenon Training Centre went to the Iban village of Ejit near Sibu, Sarawak. This mission trip consists of revival meetings, health lectures, health screening, visitation, and children classes. More than 150 people came for the health screening and over 30 people rededicated their commitment to God.

We want thank everyone who has helped made this mission trip possible with their prayers and donations. We want to specially thank all the generous donors that had helped all the students with their travelling expenses, without which the students may not have the opportunity to experience this life changing mission trip.

Aenon Training Centre takes the students to mission trips with the goal not only to be a blessing to the people in the mission field but also to allow our students to experience the way our master Jesus Christ ministered.

May be you are inspired by the testimonies of the students to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in some ways. May be you are not be able to serve in the mission field yourself but you may serve the Lord through the providence of financial support for the students at Aenon Training Centre so they could have the privilege to serve because of your help.

If you are touched by the Lord to help in His cause through the contribution of funds for mission trip, you can contact us here!


Students' Testimony:

Wong Li Yi

Wong Li Yi

Perhaps, there are many people that do not really understand the work of the medical missionary ministry. The essence of medical missionary is to provide simple treatments to help people with their health needs through the utilization of whatever equipments we can find in their place. While administering to the people with their health needs, we also take the opportunity to share the gospel with the people.

This time, we went to the small village of Ejit in Sarawak to do medical missionary work. There are so many long houses in the villages and the long house is really-really long.

We held a free health screening in the village, taught the villagers how to cook simple and healthy food, visited the villagers and did several different treatments as according to the needs.

I have truly understood the importance and the mission of the medical missionary work through this mission trip. Sometimes it is very hard trying to share the gospel with strangers but through the ministry of medical missionary the people are more receptive. Through the care of touch and prayers people feel our sincerity.

Wong Siew Si

Wong Siew Si

In this trip the one thing that I learned the most was the importance of water. I also learned that it is really true that "it is more blessed to give than to receive". I am really thankful that God gave me this opportunity to join this mission trip. I witnessed the receptiveness of the villagers and their re-commitment of accepting the gospel. I am very happy, even though we couldn't communicate, but I thanked God that because I could serve the people by doing treatments for them and tell them about the health message. This trip had allowed me to understand the importance of medical missionary work through which can help open people's hearts in accepting the gospel. If I will definitely go on a mission trip again if I get another opportunity. Bringing the gospel of peace to people so they can have the blessings of God.

Tan Wan Ling

Tan Wan Ling

Thank God for giving me such a wonderful experience in serving in His sacred work of saving souls.

I have never imagined seeing such an outdated village in my own nation. A wonderful miracle happened during the day that we needed to do treatments for the villagers. The month that we were at the village was actually drought season so there was no running water and it had not rained for a month. The villagers had to walk to the river to acquire water to be used. However, God brought rain to the village. It did not just rain for one day but it rained for the three days consecutively when we were having the health screening; thus it was easier for us to do the hydrotherapy treatments.

Through this mission trip, I had once again experienced the leading of God and the miracle of God. Moreover, through this effort the villagers could feel the love of God and return to His side. Amen!

Melissa Kawakami

Melissa Kawakami

Praise for God giving me the opportunity to go on this missionary to Sarawak. It was a very hard trip for me because I couldn't speak the language of villagers. But, praise God because somehow I could mingle with the children. I had a very good time and had many experiences in this trip. I had an opportunity to share a book about "the three angels' messages and the health message" to a 15 years old boy who was interested in the book.

I went to Sarawak thinking about helping the children in the children class but I was the one that received the most help from the children. Through this trip I could feel God's guidance for my life everyday and I am convinced that God has put the burden of helping children in need of help.

Seah Cui Ping

Seah Cui Ping

Even though this is not the first time that I participated in a medical missionary work but each experience is different from the other. Through this trip, I saw the ignorance of the people in the knowledge of healthy living. I realized the importance of the health message and understood that it can impact a person life immensely.

This trip has once again reminded me of the importance of health. I hope to have more opportunities in the future to travel to different places to offer my hands in the service to those in needs, as what my Lord Jesus Christ did. Amen!

Chen Shao Mei

Chen Shao Mei

This mission to Sarawak was a very unique experience for me. Even though, I do not speak the language of the people at the mission field but I was able to learn a lot of lessons from the trip.

My main responsibility on this trip was to help with planning and teaching the children class, but I also get to help in the health-screening program. In the morning I would help with the health-screening, doing treatments and other things. During the treatments, even though, I could not communicate with the people but through physical touch and smiles, the people were very appreciative of what we were doing.

I am very thankful because God gave me this opportunity to experience the medical missionary work and I learned a little on how to diagnose health problems and choose the best treatments for it.

I have also learned a lot of lessons on education through the children classes, which had allowed me to see my own inadequacies and the need for me to improve in the areas of education in order for me to become a more able teacher.

He Jia Yu

He Jia Yu

This trip to Sarawak is my first experience in participating in a mission trip. Although I had traveled different villages in the past but this time to Ejit is a very different experience. The thing that startled me was the source of water the villagers used. They have to obtain their water for cooking and washing from the nearby river. Their place of living is a very long house. Seeing their living condition really humbled me to be thankful of the comfortable life I have.

The biggest challenge for me in this trip was the barrier of language. I learned that smiling is an international language. When we smiled at the villagers, they would smile back at us with a big and sweet smile. Through the inaudible smile the villagers could feel our care and love for them.

The children in the villagers offered me much memorable experience. Their innocence and simplicity brought much joy. They would run and play in the rain. When we arrived at the village in the vans, they would surround us to welcome us. When they sang, they would make adorable gestures and they would follow you along trying to imitate your speech and actions.

During the appeal time in the meeting, my heart was beating rapidly because the local pastor told us about the serious spiritual condition of the church members. He was hoping that through these meetings there could be at least one or two person that would re-dedicate their life to serve God in obedience and loyalty. The pastor has heavy burdens of taking care of 7 churches in the surrounding villagers. Praise the Lord! Because many people stood up to make a commitment for God. Thank God for the Holy Spirit in touching the hearts of the villagers because we couldn't have done it without the help of the Holy Spirit.

I do not know the condition of the villagers now after we left, but I pray that God will continue to touch their hearts and improve their spiritual growth. As human, we have done what we could, the rest we leave it up in prayers into the hands of God to finish the work, Amen!

Zheng Xuan Mei

Zheng Xuan Mei

This trip to Sarawak had brought much blessings to me personally. Through serving the villagers, mingling with the children, and from the daily life, all had offered me much-blessed lessons.

The place that we were serving was a village in a mountainous region with many jungles; however, there was not much mosquito. Mosquitoes are easily attracted to me and the possibility for me to contract inflammation is very high.

As a student of medical missionary, I am thankful and blessed that I was able to use what I learned to help others. The experience was much more memorable and enriching because we had to perform treatments under the conditions where we had limited equipments in the remote village; moreover to do hydrotherapy in the drought season made it more interesting.

I also spent much time with the children from the village during this trip. There were about fifty-sixty children. They were very cute but also naughty. They were very noisy during class time. Although I could not communicate with them in their language but they would become very happy by the simple act of holding their hands. The children did something that really touched my heart. I went with the children to the river one afternoon. When they were swimming and playing in the water, the children picked some beautiful stones and gave it to me. Such acts just melt my heart despite of their naughtiness.

Another lesson that I learned and appreciated is the sacrificial spirit of the pastor's wife. She took care of us all without any complains. Having to deal with us the demanding students, she never sighed even once. Always the first one to wake up in the morning and the last one to sleep in the night, serving us, taking care of and providing for our needs. She was always the one doing the most in the background but never being thanked or may be even not appreciated, but she never complain.

This led me to contemplate about the day when I go back to village and if I have the opportunity to serve the youth in my village, would I have the similar sacrificial spirit. Or when I become a minister's wife or a housewife.

I pray that God will help me to have a humble and teachable heart. Via my trainings, sharing, and daily life, my character will be mold to have the likeness of Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

Gan Wen Tze

Gan Wen Tze

As a student of the media department, I am privileged to be able to join everyone else from other departments to go on a mission trip to Sarawak. Capturing the incidents of this mission trip through the lens of a camera has oftentimes allowed me to see many things that were different from the views of naked eyes; and the things I saw through the little lens were much more meaningful. I thank God for the helping me to improve in my ability to serve Him.

What I saw through the small lens of the camera was a much more bigger world; everything was much bigger and much clearer, as if I could see what was inside the hearts. The first day when we were at the village, I saw through the camera the expression on the faces "What are these people here for? What are their motives for being here?" It may be because most of us in the group were youth thus the suspicion. To make matter worse, I was carrying a large camera and camera bag walking around taking video of all the people.

In Sarawak, we stayed in a wooden house rented by Pastor Vincent, who is the current pastor of the village that we were serving in. Although, the villagers are all Seventh-day Adventist but because of the lack of knowledge and conviction, most of them do not practice the lifestyle of a SDA. Concern with the physical and spiritual welfare of the villagers, pastor Vincent patiently helps to educate the villagers.

This made the missionary trip much more special because we were not facing the challenges of evangelizing a group of believers but a group of believers. Via the visitation, evangelistic meetings, and health screening, I could see through the lens, the villagers slowly but surely, began to trust and accept us. They became very friendly to us all. Even though they speak in their Iban language, which we couldn't understand but the word "Terima Kasih!" (Thank you!) summed the heart feeling of the villagers.

One of the villager expressed that nowadays there are very few young ladies who are willing to cook in the kitchen. Seeing us not only willing to learn to cook but also able to cook such delicious food really surprised them.

The last night of the meeting was an emotional moment. After spending a few days with the villagers, we had bonded with them and many of the youth in the villagers also befriended with us all.

We don't know how much had we really helped the villagers with the little that we did but as I look through the camera I had seen that everyone had given their best effort to help the villagers and the children. We leave the rest of the work to God and pray for their upbringing. This was a very blessed trip being able to help others but also helped ourselves in our spiritual growth.

Naris Akiw

Naris Akiw

This is the first mission trip that I went on in my life. I am really thankful for the opportunity that this trip offered for me to learn a lot of things that I have never learned before. I was supposed to present a health lecture on the topic of "NEWSTART" but God knew better what was best for me. The plan was changed and I was assigned to help to teach the children during the children class.

Personally, I do not really like children but God placed me in the children class in order to teach me how to be patient and I thank God for His grace in helping me in teaching the children. I didn't have any bad feelings towards the children instead God gave me the love for them as time went by.

God is always good to us. He often lead us to do things that we naturally do not like but as we do it by faith and prayer, He gives us the grace to perform the tasks and through it He softens our heart and refine our characters. I thank God for this experience, because now I have more confidence to speak in front of people.

The lesson that I learned from this trip is to trust and believe in the leading of God in our lives; to have faith in the works He calls us to do because He has His blessings for others and us through doing the things He wants us to do. Teaching and refining us through the works and bringing His blessings to others.

Jeremiah 33:3 "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not."

Qiu Yi Le

Qiu Yi Le

The power of God is truly amazing and wonderful. Going to a place where the only way to communicate with the people was through body and sign languages; nevertheless, with the blessing of grace and strength from God, the people can feel our sincerity through the service of love. I believe as long as we serve the people with sincerity and love, the Holy Spirit work through us to soften the people heart and sow the seed of truth.

During this mission trip, there was a Bible verse that always gave me the motivation and strength to continue my service. Hebrews 12:2 "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." It is beyond our comprehension how much Jesus had gone through. The joy of seeing His redeemed at the day of that glorious morning is what motivates Jesus to endure all things. "One soul coming to repentance brings the whole heaven to joy!"

Whenever I was tired, disappointed, weakened and felt like giving up I will remember this Bible verse and find the strength to continue; because Jesus Christ had endured much more comparing to what I was enduring.

During the appeal at the last night of the evangelistic meeting, I had truly experienced the joy that Jesus felt for His redeemed. When many people stood in respond to the appeal, there was a deep joy and thankfulness in heart; all the hard work and efforts was worth it. I was very thankful towards God.

God's work is truly amazing and wonderful. Lastly, I like to share this encouraging Bible verse as we travel on this road to Heaven. 2 Timothy 4:7-8 "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing."